
Alpine National Park Falls Creek

Explore the rich alpine history alive in the hills and aqueducts surrounding Falls Creek. Falls Creek's walking and hiking trails are second to none, exposing you to the beauty and majesty of the Bogong High Plains.

Historic huts, regenerating fire-damaged snowgums and Mt Bogong itself are a constant reminder of the living spirit of the region.

There are a variety of walks to enjoy, from an easy 1/2 hour stroll to scenic vantage points to more challenging day or overnight hikes. Explore the High country's undulating plains for the vibrant alpine wildflowers. Breathe the clean air and take in the beautiful views. If you are lucky just just might also catch a glimpse of wild brumbies or the rare mountain pygmy possum.

Before heading out, make sure you are well prepared, aware of any condition changes and let someone know where you are and when you expect to return.

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Falls Creek Walks

The Aqueduct Trail
This flat grassy trail is the starting point for many hiking adventures out of Falls Creek.

Rocky Valley Lake
Australia's highest body of water is perfect for a relaxing walk followed by a picnic, fishing or a dip in the clear blue waters.

Falls Creek Falls
These picturesque falls are just a short walk from the entrance to the village. The falls are a great place for a dip after a long mountain walk.

Wishing Well
This moderate trek brings you to a small pool at the end of the aqueduct, affectionately known as the “Wishing Well”.


In the Alpine National Park

Ropers Lookout
Trek through regenerating fire-damaged snowgums beyond the dam wall to a lookout with incredible views of Falls Creek.

Wallaces Heritage Trail
Experience a piece of Bogong High Plains' history by visiting Cope and Wallace's Hut - the oldest cattleman's hut in the National Park (circa 1889).

Mt Cope
Mt Cope (1837m) is one of the highest peaks in the High Plains and is a relatively easy hike to its peak.

Heathy Spur Circuit
A 10km return that takes you through alpine herbfields and regenerating snowgums.
