Summer Holiday Camp 

Howmans Gap Alpine Centre Falls Creek

Howmans Gap Summer Camp is all about challenge, experience, independence, making memories and lifelong friends.

It’s often the first time away for many children and is a perfect opportunity for them to grow, learn and think for themselves.

At the YMCA we provide opportunities for campers to grow in body, mind & spirit, in a fun, safe and professional environment.

Our Summer camp creates opportunities for kids to build relationships that last a lifetime. We start with providing quality leadership that is committed first of all to the physical and emotional safety of your child, and then is devoted to the positive values of caring, honesty and respect.

Our program provides a safe environment for all campers to challenge and inspire themselves and each other.



  • 5th - 9th January 2014 (8-11 year olds)
  • 12th -16th January 2014 (12-16 year olds)
  • $550.00 includes all accommodation , meals and activities