Falls Creek Media Centre
Falls Creek is happy to provide a range of high resolution images for Media, PR and Promotion of Falls Creek.
To access the Falls Creek Media Gallery we require registration of your details and the intended purpose of the images. You may be contacted for further information to validate your request. Please complete the form below and a member of our Media team will respond to your request as soon as possible. If you are encountering a tight deadline, or if there is a particular image or scene you require that is not catered to in the gallery, please contact one of our media team members directly for urgent assistance.
Media Contacts
El O'Callaghan
Marketing & Communications Coordinator
Falls Creek Alpine Resort
0417 717 686
[email protected]
Alpine Resorts Victoria
[email protected]

Filming at Falls Creek
Please see the below documents for further information on filming in Victoria and at Falls Creek.
Imagery terms of use
Where photographs will be used to directly promote Falls Creek Alpine Resort, complimentary reproduction rights are granted. In all other cases a charge for use will apply (through arrangement with the photographer or owner of intellectual property).
Permission to reproduce any photograph must be obtained from a Falls Creek media representative.
The use of images from this gallery with material that bears no relation to Falls Creek Alpine Resort is a breach of copyright.
These conditions are contractual obligations negotiated with our photographers. It is critical to our relationship with our photographers that we respect these conditions under every circumstance.
No images that appear on the Falls Creek gallery are to be released to third parties for any purpose whatsoever. Any requests for third-party usage are to be referred to a Falls Creek media representative for copyright permission.
No images are available to reproduce for sale in any form ie., Postcards, Books, Posters or any various retail merchandise. The only exception is for publications of editorial nature.
In situations that are not clearly described above, contact a Falls Creek media representative for copyright permission.
Photographs provided in this gallery are the copyright property of Falls Creek Ski Lifts Pty Ltd. and/or Falls Creek Resort Management.
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